Please join NAWIC Miami Chapter 41's monthly general membership meeting, where you will have an opportunity to network with female professionals within the construction industry. Join us for a presentation from Dr. Peeraya Inyim on Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) & Building Information Modeling (BIM)!
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Meeting ID: 899 5536 9662
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NAWIC unites women who are actively employed in various capacities of the construction industry, including women-owned businesses, construction companies, contractors, tradeswomen, engineers, architects, suppliers, insurance, banking and legal fields. We also work to promote continuing/higher education and encourage women to pursue, establish and broaden their careers in the construction industry. We are a self-governing, non-profit organization with about 6,000 members nationwide, 400 members in the State of Florida, with almost one quarter of these members located in South Florida.
Hope to see you there!